MadeupMinecraft Wikia

Evil dogs are hostilish mobs that can be the players pet.


Evil dog

HP: 26

Attack: Tamed: 16 Wild: 19

Drops: Dark sword, Dark essence


Evil dogs only spawn in Trees (Biome), Ice shards, Mega Ice shards, Freezing Ice shards, and Freezing Ice shards M biomes.

Naturally spawned Evil dogs will attack the player on contact.

Behavior and Appearance[]

Evil dogs are dark gray with red eyes. The have white stripes, a white muzzle, and one white paw. Tamed ones have a collar that you can dye.

An evil dog will attack the player once they see them. To tame them you need to shoot them with a Bone Bow. Once you shoot them they will have a chance of becoming tamed. Tamed evil dogs are just like regular dogs.


*They can break your items if you drop them and they walk over them

*Killing your tamed evil dog will remove half of your health.

*They attack cactusmen but run away from cloud fish.
